Well anyone that knows me, knows that I'm a few things:
1. a passionate animal lover and conservationist
2. A die-hard Steve Irwin fan
3. Adventurous
Yeah...that's a giant Reticulated Python - he eats baby goats for lunch (and no, they are not alive when they are fed to him - they are provided in a humane way - but don't get all PETA on me...for the love of god, it's nature's way. Animals eat animals!)

Keeping this in mind...
We finally made it to Australia Zoo! Funny - years ago, before Brian and I got engaged even, probably before we even lived together for too long, we watched Croc Files and other Irwin shows. Matter of fact, our night time ritual often included singing the song to Croc Files, snuggling up with a blanket and watching Steve. (Not to mention Brian saying "Gorgeous! Gorgeous! What a little beaut!" every time I do something cute or funny - only true fans will understand that) Anyway, it has been a long-time goal to come to this particular zoo!

It was SO worth the wait.
First of all, let me just say right now that I've never seen a more amazing place! Every last detail is done, no expense is spared and I dare you to find a place that loves these creatures more. It shows!
Perhaps the most exciting part of our days was our "animal encounters." Brian had planned for us to get into the Wombat enclosure so we could pet them and also the echidna enclosure to feed, pet and love these gorgeous egg-laying mammals (aka monotremes). But what I didn't know was that he also planned to surprise me with an elephant encounter. Once again, anyone that knows me knows that I have a deep love for elephants. When we first got to the zoo and checked in with the keepers for the encounters, Brian was being somewhat secretive. But then the guy handed me two cards with elephants on them. At first I thought we were going to be seeing some sort of elephant show; I didn't think much of it. Then Brian looked at me and said "well, I guess the cat's out of the bag now." And it hit me! ELEPHANTS! I didn't cry, but I jumped up and down and did get teary-eyed - which of course instantly endeared me to the elephant keepers and Brian, too! (though in Brian's case, I guess we can say it further endeared...)
Either way, 11 am was elephant time. I didn't even care about brekkie, (oh yeah, that just happened, I said it...deal with it!)
We met with the famous Phil from the earlier shows with Steve Irwin and got to walk around with the elephants as the three of them, Sabu, Siam and Bimbo walked trunk to tail along the zoo path - it was like we were in some sort of parade that was for only us - people stopped to stare: "who are those people walking with the elephants? They must be some sort of rock stars or zoo people....etc" - It was cool. I could do little else but walk and stare and take pictures and watch as they quietly lumbered along the path. The most amazing part of that walk? You cannot hear an Asian elephant walk. They walk like dancers, cats...ballerinas even. AMAZING!

As Phil talked to us, telling us the stories of the elephant "sisters" (though not sisters, close enough). Sabu is the matriarch, Siam is the mischievous, Bimbo is the princess. All three are in their 50s. Too cool!
As I quickly found out, I was going to get to brush Siam's mud from her back, give her a good scratch, brush her toenails and feet clear of dust and dirt and stick my hand in her mouth and feed her some snacks (corn - cob and all). Could this honeymoon be any cooler??

There really are no words to express how much I loved this experience. I can only say that these creatures are worth the world to save, and while their numbers are dropping radically, I continue to support efforts to educate and conserve! And WOW, do I love my sweet boyfr....err..husband. But seriously...he'll always be my boyfriend.
Here are some pics from the echidna encounter:
By the way, our particular echidna... her name was "Fatty" and she was really cute! Fun fact: their tongues are approximately 18 cm long! Woo Hoo! Echidna's are the sweetest, most adorable and friendly little creatures. Also, apparently as smart as a domestic cat!

Ah well... I will tell you more later. For now, I'm waiting for room service to bring our dinner and then I'm hitting the showers and going to bed!
Tomorrow...We are headed to the Coral Reef!
And I've got a crap load to blog!
love, hugs and save the elephants!
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