We went for a walk last night through the city. There's a familiar hustle/bustle to it all - it does remind me of walking through Mid-town. But with a lot of hills, virtually no garbage anywhere, immaculate garbage cans and sidewalks, no rats, even the crazy sax player didn't seem too crazy...just sort of vibing on the flow of the city. We may have inadvertently given him 5 dollars...the coinage is WEIRD, but what you don't know can't hurt you. You should see the huge 20 cent piece. A 2 dollar coin is about the size of an American dime, while a 20 cent piece is roughly the size of a silver dollar. On an environmental note, there are recycle bins and organized wrapper collections. All over you see signs advertising "this bus runs on natural gas" or "water features use recycled water" or "these gardens are maintained with recycled or reclaimed water"...it's all very eco-chic here. And I absolutely love that. We both do.

There are fig trees in Brisbane City of historical significance...given to the Australians with some peaches in 1886 and they mark a special area of Brisbane and Creek Street.

We did less picture-taking, but lots of walking! The parks are absolutely gorgeous. One particular thing of note: The South Bank Grand Arbour - an award-winning design showcasing Brisbane's purple Bougainvillea. It spans a kilometer and divides the South Bank into several different sections. It snakes through the hills and has such great movement - with tendrils bending in, out, up, down - as you walk, it really looks like it moves with you. It's beautiful in the sunlight, gorgeous at night too! I really wish we lived in a place that would allow year-round bougainvillea. (I think the following pictures marries this topic and the next perfectly...if I do say so myself).

Later that night, we braved the Wheel of Brisbane (most effectively sung like the Wheel of Fortune promo...but maybe we're just dorks). It's 60 meters tall - and rather than the benches we're all used to from carnivals, we are assigned our own private "pod" that has lighting and climate control and sure makes you feel safe so high in the air. The best part is that you get to see the entire city! We timed it so we'd catch the sunset and the operator gave us an extra trip around, totaling 5 rather than the usual 4. We must have been emitting our "honeymoon" vibe. It was really a beautiful and relaxing end to the night.
Brian tried some Vegan Aussie pizza...the verdict: Yum! I don't remember all the veggies, but I know there were some things you'd never expect to find on a pizza...like pumpkin and beats. I will say, had there been no onions, I'd have had a slice myself. One unfortunate thing for me is that it seems Aussies LOVE onions, and alas, I'm allergic. Not the end of the world, but it does make eating challenging.

Speaking of experimenting with the Aussie fare: I tried some Vegemite this morning... and I did give it a good go. However, I won't be buying any spread anytime soon! Picture thick hot, fudge...the deep, dark delicious, chocolaty appearance, with the acrid punch of bullion and the sticky, gooey texture of a melted peanut butter. It sticks to your tongue, teeth, roof of your mouth and gives your senses a good smack in the face. I can't say I liked it. But I liked trying it.
We walked around the Queens Street Pedestrian Mall, bought some TimTams...let's stop right there: The TimTam.
Quite possibly the most delicious chocolate biscuit, double coated in more chocolate and filled with some sort of addictive chocolate creame. It's beyond yummy. They are packaged in nines, so I'd suggest sharing with two others, or coming to an agreement prior to opening the package that you will spilt the last one with your love, otherwise, fighting will most certainly ensue. And TimTams are best shared with someone. Make a rule now: Never TimTam alone...it's just sad. Either way, I'm writing this while on a total TimTam rush and yes, we split the last one.
We did get back to the hotel at what felt like 11pm, but in fact was 6:20pm...and we fell asleep well before 9. Just as well, Friday was a busy day too! More on that later!
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